Delphine Driaux, PhD
Scientific Staff
Research project: Representations and Reality of Poverty in Ancient Egypt, funded by the FWF Elise Richter grant (grant no. V-883).
Telefon: +43-1-4277-40911
Entry in Staff Directory
Academic Background
Since oct. 2021
Researcher and project leader. FWF Elise Richter Fellow
Research project: Representations and Reality of Poverty in Ancient Egypt (
University Research Assistant in Egyptian Archaeology, Institut für Ägyptologie, Universität Wien
Winter 2015
Fieldwork and Research Grant granted by the Egypt Exploration Society.
Fernand Braudel-IFER Post-Doctoral Fellowship, funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 MSCA-COFUND) in collaboration with the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research - University of Cambridge.
PhD in Egyptology. Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
Lavoisier Doctoral Research Fellowship, granted by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
DEA in Egyptology (Postgraduate degree in Egyptology - M. Phil equivalent). Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
Masters degree in Archaeology. Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
Bachelors degree in History. Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
Bachelors degree in Archaeology. Université Rennes II, Haute-Bretagne.
Research Interests
- Ancient Egyptian urban archaeology
- Architecture and town planning in ancient Egypt
- Poverty and the poor in ancient Egypt
- Water technology and management in Antiquity (especially in ancient Egypt)
- Archives related to early excavations in Egypt
Fieldwork Experience (Egypt)
Since 2016
Deputy Director of the University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project: the necropolis of el-Sheikh Fadl, directed by Prof. Christiana Köhler (University of Vienna).
Mission Archéologique Française de Taposiris Magna / Plinthine, directed by Prof. Marie-Françoise Boussac (French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs − Université Paris Ouest Nanterre).
Winter 2014
Amara West (Northern Sudan), directed by Dr. Neal Spencer (British Museum).
Amarna Project: South Tombs Cemetery, directed by Dr. Anna Stevens and Prof. Barry Kemp (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research − University of Cambridge).
since 2012
Amarna Project: Great Aten Temple, directed by Prof. Barry Kemp (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research − University of Cambridge).
Spring 2012
Deir el-Medina Study Season, directed by Dr. Cédric Gobeil, (Institut français d'archéologie orientale).
Spring 2011
Luxor Town Mound. Study Season, directed by Ana Tavares (Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) and ARCE).
Spring 2010
Mission archéologique de Tell el-Herr, directed by Prof. Dominique Valbelle, (Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) − UMR 8167).
Spring 2007
Tell el-Dab?a Archaeological Mission, directed by Prof. Manfred Bietak and Dr. Irene Forstner-Müller, (Austrian Archaeological Institute, Cairo).
Winter 2006-2007
Mission archéologique sur la chapelle d'Osiris Coptite dans le temple de Karnak, directed by Dr. François Leclère, (Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) − Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak).
2006-8, 2011
Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP), directed by Dr. Mark Lehner, (Ancient Egypt Research Associates).
Driaux D., Arnette M.-L., لقطات من مصر. كنوز فوتوغرافية من المعهد الفرنسى للآثار الشرقية (Instantanés d'Égypte. Trésors photographiques de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale. Version abrégée, en arabe - traduction E. Adly), Bibliothèque Générale 52, Cairo, 2017.
Driaux D., Arnette M.-L., Instantanés d'Égypte. Trésors photographiques de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, BiGen 50, Cairo, 2016.
Edited books
Wild H. †, La tombe de Néfer-hotep (I) et Neb-Néfer à Deir el Médîna [N° 6] et autres documents les concernant, (volume édité, augmenté et présenté par Delphine Driaux. Avec les contributions de Chloé Ragazzoli et Julie Masquelier), Mémoires de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103.1, Cairo, 2022.
Contributions to books
Ziegler C., Driaux D., Labbé Toutée S., “Catalogue des objets Ancien Empire découverts hors contexte”, in C. Ziegler (dir.), Le mastaba E17 et la nécropole de l’Ancien Empire, Les Fouilles du Louvre à Saqqara III, Paris, 2022, p. 217-247.
Driaux D., "L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale au temps de Marcelle Baud", in L'Égypte de Marcelle Baud 1890-1987. L'archéologie au féminin et en dessins, 2021, p. 52-70.
Driaux D., "Water for an Egyptian City", in A. Stevens (ed.), Amarna: A guide to the ancient city of Akhenaten, Cairo, 2021, p. 149-150.
Ziegler Chr. (dir.), Les tombes hypogées de Basse Époque, Les Fouilles du Louvre à Saqqara 2, Paris.
Articles in Proceedings
Forthcoming in 2024
Driaux D., “The bathroom: A rather singular room in the Egyptian house”, in F. Keshk (ed.), Living in the house: Researching the domestic life in ancient Egypt and Sudan, Brepols – University of Warsaw .
Köhler E.C., Driaux D., Böhm H., “New Archaeological Fieldwork in the Late Period Necropolis of el-Sheikh Fadl in Middle Egypt”, in O. El-Aguizy, B. Kasparian (eds.), ICE XII. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists, 3rd-8th November 2019 Cairo, Egypt I, Cairo, p. 183-190.
Driaux D., "Représentation et perception sociale de la maigreur dans l'Égypte ancienne", in E. Galbois et S. Rougier-Blanc (eds.), Maigreur et minceur dans les sociétés anciennes. Grèce, Orient, Rome, Scripta Antiqua 132, Bordeaux, 2020, p. 81-92.
Driaux D., "Toward a Study of Poor and Poverty in Ancient Egypt - Preliminary Thoughts", Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30:1, 2020, p. 1-19.
Köhler E.C., Driaux D., Marchand S., Holm T., Capirci A., "Preliminary Report about the new Investigation of a Late Period Tomb with Aramaic Inscription at El-Sheikh Fadl / Egypt", Ägypten und Levante 28, 2018, p. 55-84.
Autumn 2016
"Bouriant at Amarna: an almost forgotten French mission", Egyptian Archaeology 49, Autumn 2016, pp. 10-15.
March 2016
Water Supply of Ancient Egyptian Settlements: the Role of the State. Overview of a Relatively Equitable Scheme from the Old to New Kingdom (ca. 2543-1077 BC), Water History 8.1, pp. 43-58. DOI 10.1007/s12685-015-0150-x
Kemp B., Bertram M., Driaux D., Hodgkinson A., Jedraszek S., Kelly S., "Great Aten Temple", in B. Kemp, "Tell el-Amarna, 2014-15", Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 101, pp. 5-17.
Kemp B., Bertram M., Driaux D., Hodgkinson A., Kelly S., "Great Aten Temple", in B. Kemp, "Tell el-Amarna, 2014", Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 100, 2014, pp. 1-14.
Driaux D. & Tavares A., "Esquisse d'une mosaïque urbaine. Villes et villages de Gîza à l'Ancien Empire", Égypte, Afrique & Orient 72, Dec. 2013 − Jan.-Feb. 2014, pp. 3-14.
Les aménagements sanitaires. Un "luxe" de la maison égyptienne, Égypte, Afrique & Orient 66, Jul.-Aug. 2012, pp. 49-58
Le Grand Puits de Deir al-Medîna et la question de l'eau: nouvelles perspectives, Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 111, pp. 129-141
Book Reviews
Driaux D., review of H. Franzmeier − Ein Brunnen in der Ramses-Stadt. Zur Typologie und Funktion von Brunnen und Zisternen im pharaonischen Ägypten. (Forschungen in der Ramses-Stadt, 7). Gerstenberg Verlag, Hildesheim, 2010. In Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXII, No. 1-2, Jan.-Apr. 2015, col. 71-76.
Driaux D., “Thinking and defining poverty in ancient Egypt”, in the Research Group Blog “Ancient History from Below. The Subaltern and the Popular in Antiquity”, 20 December 2023. Available at: