Dr. Elisabeth Kruck, M.A.
University Assistent post doc
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Wien
Telephone: +43-1-4277-43111
E-Mail: elisabeth.kruck@univie.ac.at
Entry: Staff Directory
Research Profile: u:cris
Academic Background
Since 06/2022
University Research Assistant in Egyptian Archaeology (Post-Doc) at University of Vienna, Department of Egyptology
Teaching, supervision and examination of students, archaeological work in the Middle Egypt Project: el-Sheikh Fadl, directed by Prof. Christiana Köhler (University of Vienna)
Research Assistant at Freie Universität Berlin (Post-Doc 50%), Egyptological Seminar
Teaching, supervision and examination of students, responsible for the library, part of the Collaboration Research Center “Episteme in motion” (SFB 980)
09/2020 – 05/2021
Scientific Assistant at Collaboration Research Center “Episteme in motion” (SFB 980) (Post-Doc 50%)
Investigations to knowledge change in premodern cultures: the text transfer in ancient Egyptian mortuary literature
June 2018
Doctor of Philosophy in Egyptology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Thesis Title: “Beigabe und Abbild – Aspekte und Konzepte ungestörter Bestattungen aus Saqqara und Abusir”
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen
Dr. phil. habil. Daniel Polz (submitted: 09/11/2017; defence: 04/06/2018; publication: 03/05/2022)
04/2014 – 06/2018
Research Assistant at Freie Universität Berlin (Prae-Doc 50%), Egyptological Seminar
Teaching, supervision and examination of students, responsible for the library, part of the Collaboration Research Center “Episteme in motion” (SFB 980)
[Parental leave: 03/2017 – 09/2017]
09/2012 – 10/2012
Research stay at the Griffith Institute Oxford
Examination of the archival holdings of Firth and Gunn's Saqqara excavations
11/2011 – 06/2012
Guide in the exhibition "Tutankhamun - His tomb and his treasures" in Frankfurt
09/2009 – 06/2012
Publication of the master's thesis („Eindrücke – Grabkegel als Elemente thebanischer Grabarchitektur“, AV 124)
06/2008 – 07/2008
Scientific assistant at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Egyptology Department
Teaching, supervision and examination of students, responsible for the library
January 2008
Master-Thesis: “Grabkegel aus Dra’ Abu el-Naga – Elemente thebanischer Grabarchitektur”
Final degree 28/01/2008
10/2002 – 01/2008
University studies of Eyptology, Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, Assyriology at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Key Research Topics
- Development of Theban funerary architecture: the significance and function of individual architectural elements, in particular funerary cones
- Funerary concepts: connections and interactions between the objects of the grave goods, images and texts with a view to the overall concept of the funeral
- Religious studies: relationships between the grave goods, images and texts and their interpretation in the context of the funeral ritual
- Transmission of texts and images: transmission of sayings from the corpus of the pyramid texts on Middle Kingdom coffins in connection with the objects depicted in tool friezes; transmission of the texts from the coffin of Ipiemsaef (Sq8C).
- Moulded modal communication in ancient Egypt: multimodal communication of representations of the device frieze, their captions and the texts from the corpus of pyramid and coffin texts, including the ‘space’ coffin.
- Dating of burials: differentiation of dating sources in burials of different time periods.
Fieldwork in Egypt
Since 06/2022
Middle Egypt Project: el-Sheikh Fadl, directed by Prof. Christiana Köhler (University of Vienna)
Since 03/2018
Middle Kingdom Theban Project (MKTP) excavation at Deir el-Bahari; responsible for the excavation and publication of the tomb of Dagi (TT 103)
- Supervision and documentation of the excavation activities and evaluation and analysis of the archaeological material
09/2005 – 04/2014
Member of the excavation of the German Archaeological Institute in Dra' Abu el-Naga
- Supervision and documentation of the excavation activities and evaluation and analysis of the archaeological material (especially funerary cones)
In preparation
A coffin for Dating - or should we even date? [Proceedings of the Coffins in Context Conference held on the 22nd - 24th of February 2024]
Contextualising fragments – An Overview/insight of the Decoration of the tomb of Dagi (TT 103) in Deir el-Bahari.
In print
The coffin of Mentuhotep/Buau (T9C) and its multimodal compositions, in: Spaces and Meaning. Multimodal Communication in Ancient Egypt; Sidestone Press Academics.
Occurrence of grave goods and their representations on coffins: a concept of substitution? In Gracia Zamacona, Carlos (ed.), Variability in the earlier Egyptian mortuary texts, 444-479. Leiden; Boston: Brill. DOI: 10.1163/9789004677982_016.
Den Stempel aufgedrückt: Grabkegel mit Opferformeln. In Gerhards, Simone, Nadine Grässler, Svenja A. Gülden, Alexander Ilin-Tomich, Jessica Kertmann, Andrea Kilian, Tobias Konrad, Kyra van der Moezel, and Monika Zöller-Engelhardt (eds), Schöne Denkmäler sind entstanden: Studien zu Ehren von Ursula Verhoeven, 277-300. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.1085.c16607
Skizzenbuch mit Zeichnungen von Simon Leo Reinisch, Beschreibung eines Ausstellungsstücks aus der Ausstellung zu den Jubiläen der Wiener Ägyptologie in der Rubrik „Objekt des Monats“ der Sammlungen an der Universität Wien. (online publication: https://bibliothek.univie.ac.at/sammlungen/objekt_des_monats/007488.html)
Jubiläen der Wiener Ägyptologie – 150 Jahre Lehrstuhlgründung 100 Jahre Institut für Ägyptologie, Begleitbroschüre zur Ausstellung (online publication: egyptology.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/i_egyptology/news_events/Ausstellung_Jubilaeen_der_Wiener_AEgyptologie_Begleitbroschuere.pdf)
Die Überlieferung der sieben Salböle als Beispiel epistemischer Beschleunigung. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 51, 85-103.
Beigabe und Abbild – Aspekte und Konzepte ungestörter Bestattungen aus Saqqara und Abusir, Mainz. (online publication: https://openscience.ub.uni-mainz.de/handle/20.500.12030/6925)
„Salböl, Salböl, wo bist Du?“, Logbuch Wissensgeschichte, SFB 980 „Episteme in Bewegung“, Januar 2022. (https://www.logbuch-wissensgeschichte.de/)
Kruck, E. et al., The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Preliminary report on the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari, Fourth Season (2018), in: SAK 47, 2018, 183-221.
Kruck, E., Dahms, J., Ipiemsaef, A New Insight into his Tomb, his Coffin, and his Burial Equipment, in: M. Barta, F. Coppens, J. Krejci (ed.), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015, Prag 2017.
Eindrücke. Grabkegel als Elemente thebanischer Grabarchitektur, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 124, Wiesbaden 2012.
Eindrücke im Kontext der Gesellschaft. Grabkegel aus der thebanischen Nekropole von Dra’ Abu el-Naga, in: G. Neunert, K. Gabler, A. Verbovsek (ed.), Sozialisationen: Individuum – Gruppe – Gesellschaft: Beiträge zum ersten Münchner Arbeitskreis Junge Aegyptologie (MAJA 1), 3. bis 5.12.2010, Wiesbaden 2012, 143-152.
Mein Körper besteht, in: Historisches Museum der Pfalz (ed.), Ägyptens Schätze entdecken. Meisterwerke aus dem Ägyptischen Museum Turin, Frankfurt 2012, 10-11.
Dein Haus in der Nekropole, in: Historisches Museum der Pfalz (ed.), Ägyptens Schätze entdecken. Meisterwerke aus dem Ägyptischen Museum Turin, Frankfurt 2012, 22-23.
Talks and presentations
„A coffin for dating – Or should we even date?”
(Coffins in Context conference held on the 22nd – 24th of February 2024, Fitzwilliam Museum, Christ’s College Cambridge)
Konzepte und Aspekte intakter Bestattungen in Saqqara und Abusir im Mittleren Reich
(virtueller Vortrag an der Freien Universität Berlin)
“Beigabe, Abbild und Text – Elemente des Gesamtkonzepts Bestattung im Zusammenhang”
(e-Lecture Series of the Institute of Egyptology at the University of Vienna (hybrid))
“Occurrences of Grave goods and their representations on coffins – A concept of substitution?”
(MORtuaryTEXtsVARiability-Conference held on the 14.-16.09.2022 (online))
“Salböl, Salböl, wo bist Du?” – Zum Transfer der Spruchfolge zu den sieben heiligen Ölen (PT 72-78)
(52. Ständige Ägyptolog*innen-Konferenz in Mainz (virtuell))
Beigabe, Abbild und Text – Elemente des Gesamtkonzepts Bestattung im Zusammenhang
(virtueller Vortrag an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Egyptological Research at Freie Universität Berlin (Egyptology Meeting with KU Leuven (virtual))
Was macht eigentlich…Elisabeth Kruck? (virtueller Vortrag zur Vorstellung der Mitarbeiter:innen des Ägyptologischen Seminars der FU Berlin im Rahmen des Wintersemesters 2020/21)
Grave goods and their representations on coffins – Elements and concepts of intact burials at Saqqara and Abusir
(Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists, ICE XII, 03.11.-08.11.2019); [finanziert von der ‘Frauenförderung der Freien Universität Berlin’]
Grave goods and their representations on coffins – A concept of substitution?
(Substitution. Narrowing or broadening of knowledge? International Workshop of the CRC 980 “Episteme in Motion. Transfer of knowledge from the ancient world to the early modern period”, 24.-25.05.2019)
“With intention or by accident? The burial equipment of intact burials from Saqqara and Abusir”
(Death and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen, 10.5.-12.5.2016, University of Copenhagen)
“The coffin of Ipiemsaef (Sq8C) rediscovered in an online database” (Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015, 22.6.-26.6.2016, Karls-Universität Prague)
“Vom Objekt zur Publikation” (Archaeoworks3, 8.5.-10.5.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
“Beigabe und Abbild – Verschiedene Aspekte eines Gesamtkonzepts?”
(Fragen an Gräber: Aktuelle Forschungen zu Befunden und Rekonstruktionen nicht-königlicher Nekropolen, 2.10.-3.10.2014, Graduiertenworkshop des Doktoratsprogramms der Basler Altertumswissenschaften, Department Altertumswissenschaften Ägyptologie der Universität Basel)
“Eindrücke im Kontext der Gesellschaft. Grabkegel aus der thebanischen Nekropole Dra’ Abu el-Naga”
(Erster Münchner Arbeitskreis Junge Aegyptologie (MAJA 1): Sozialisationen: Individuum – Gruppe – Gesellschaft, 3. bis 5.12.2010, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)