Univ.-Prof. Dr. E. Christiana Köhler
Foto: Gerald Moers
Vorständin und Professorin des Instituts für Ägyptologie
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Wien
Zimmer: AE.39
Telefon: +43-1-4277-43103
eFax: +43-1-4277-843103
E-Mail: e.christiana.koehler@univie.ac.at
Eintrag im Personalverzeichnis
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Profil: scilog.fwf.ac.at/magazin/der-erste-territorialstaat-der-welt
Akademischer Lebenslauf
Studium der Ägyptologie, Klassischen Archäologie, Ethnologie und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Trier
Studium der Ägyptologie, Klassischen Archäologie, Vorderasiatischen Archäologie und Vor-und Frühgeschichte an der Universität Heidelberg
Promotion in Ägyptologie, Klassischer Archäologie und Vorderasiatischer Archäologie mit der Dissertation: "Tell el-Faracin-Buto: Die Keramik der Schichten III bis VI. Untersuchungen zur Töpfereiproduktion einer frühen Siedlung des Nildeltas" an der Universität Heidelberg
Gast-Professur im Department of Ancient Middle Eastern Studies/University of Pennsylvania/USA und Museum for Archaeology and Anthropology, mit Unterstützung eines Ausbildungsstipendiums der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Lecturer in Egyptology, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney
Senior Lecturer in Egyptology, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney
Associate Professor in Egyptology, Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney
Seit 2010
Universitäts-Professorin für Ägyptologie (Schwerpunkt Ägyptische Archäologie) Universität Wien
- Ägyptische Archäologie
Materielle Kulter
Vor- und Frühzeit Ägyptens
- Altägyptische Keramik
- Altägyptische Gesellschaft und Sozialstrukturen
- Staatsentstehung im alten Ägypten Helwan - Eine Nekropole der Stadt Memphis (Projektinformationen)
- Abydos - Umm el-Qaab (in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Abt. Kairo (Projektinfos)):Untersuchungen in der frühdynastischen Königsnekropole (Projektinfos)
- University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project (Projektinfos)
Ausgewählte Publikationen
in Vorbereitung
Helwan VI. Excavations in Operation 4, Tombs 151-218, with contributions by Ch. Marshall, A. Ali, H. Böhm, N. Kuch and F. Junge. Rahden: Marie Leihdorf
Helwan V. Excavations in Operation 4, Tombs 101-150, with contributions by Ch. Marshall, A. Ali, H. Böhm, N. Kuch and F. Junge. Excavations at Helwan vol. I, Rahden: Marie Leihdorf
Vor den Pyramiden. Die ägyptische Vor- und Frühzeit. Darmstadt: Phillip von Zabern.
Helwan IV. Excavations in Operation 4, Tombs 51-100, with contributions by Ch. Marshall, A. Ali, H. Böhm, and M. Abdel Karem, SAGA 28, Rahden: Marie Leihdorf
Helwan III. Excavations in Operation 4, Tombs 1-50, with contributions by C. Marshall and M. Abd el-Karem, Saga 26, Rahden: Marie Leidorf.
with J. Jones, Helwan II. The Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Funerary Relief Slabs (SAGA 25), Rahden: Marie Leidorf
Helwan I. Excavations in the Early Dynastic Cemetery. Season 1997/98. With contributions by M. Birrell, I. Casey, T. Hikade, J. Smythe and B. St.Clair, Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens (SAGA 24), Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag.
The Cairo Museum Collection of Artefacts from Zaki Saad’s Excavations at Helwan, Armidale: University of New England.
Buto III. Die Keramik von der späten Vorgeschichte bis zum frühen Alten Reich (Schicht III bis VI), Archäologische Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo, vol. 94, Mainz
Mitherausgegebene Monographien
mit N. Kuch, F. Junge and A.-K. Jeske (Hgg.), Origins 6. Pre- and Early Dynastic Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference Origins.6 at the University of Vienna, September 2017. Leuven: Peeters
with C. Knoblauch and B. Bader (eds.), Vienna 2. Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century, Proceedings of the International Conference at the University of Vienna, May 2012. Leuven: Peeters.
Buchkapitel und Beiträge in Konferenzakten
Helwan and the Early City of Memphis, in: E.C. Köhler, N. Kuch, F. Junge and A.-K. Jeske (Hgg.), Origins 6. Pre- and Early Dynastic Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference Origins.6 at the University of Vienna, September 2017. Leuven: 337-362
mit E. Hart, New Archaeological Research in the Mining Areas of the Wadi el-Sheikh, in: E.C. Köhler, N. Kuch, F. Junge and A.-K. Jeske (Hgg.), Origins 6. Pre- and Early Dynastic Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference Origins.6 at the University of Vienna, September 2017. Leuven: 363-378
mit M. Ownby, Early Egyptian Ceramic Fabrics: Petrographic Identification of the Chronological Use of Paste Recipes for Specific Vessel Forms, in: E.C. Köhler, N. Kuch, F. Junge and A.-K. Jeske (Hgg.), Origins 6. Pre- and Early Dynastic Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference Origins.6 at the University of Vienna, September 2017. Leuven: 631-652
Prehistory of Egypt including Dynasty 0. In: N. Moeller & D. Potts (Hgg.), The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East, Volume I: From the Beginnings to Old Kingdom Egypt and the Dynasty of Akkad, 95-162
Under the Starry Skies of Memphis - new architectural evidence for an early sanctuary? in: C. Di Biase-Dyson and L. Donovan (eds.), The cultural manifestations of religious experience. Studies in Honor of Boyo Ockinga, Münster, 3-14
with E.C.M. van den Brink & J. Smythe, Intact wine jars with pre-firing potmarks from the Early Dynastic cemetery at Helwan/Egypt, in: G. Graff & A. Jimenez-Serrano (eds.), Préhistoires de l'écriture -Prehistories of writing, Aix-en-Provence, 63-86.
Of Pots and Myths - A Comparative Study of Funerary Pottery Assemblages in the Egyptian Nile Valley during the late 4th Millennium BC., in: Maczynska, A. (ed.), The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between the Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in the 4th millennium B.C. (Poznań Archaeological Museum, 21 - 22 June, 2013), Poznan, 155-180.
with Thalmann, J.P., Synchronizing Early Egyptian Chronologies and the Northern Levant, in: Höflmayer, F. & R. Eichmann (eds.), Egypt and the southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age: C14, Chronology, Connections, Proceedings of the International workshop at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Berlin, 14.-16. 9. 2011, Rahden, 181-206
Early Dynastic Egyptian Chronologies, in: Shortland, A. & Ramsey, C.B., (eds.), Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Egypt, Exeter: 224-234
Das Pharaonische Ägypten. In: W. Hameter and S. Tost (eds.), Alte Geschichte: Der Vordere Orient und der mediterrane Raum vom 4. Jahrtausend v.Chr. bis zum 7. Jahrhundert n. Chr., Vienna, 61-76.
The Rise of the Egyptian State, in: E. Teeter (ed.), Before the Pyramids. The Origins of Egyptian Civilization. Oriental Institute Museum Publications 33, 123-125.
Prehistory, in: A. Lloyd (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Ancient Egypt, Oxford, 5-35
Theories of State Formation, in: W. Wendrich (ed.), The Archaeology of Egypt, Chichester, 36-54
Early Dynastic Society in Memphis, in: E. Engel et al. (eds.), Zeichen aus dem Sand Fs Günter Dreyer. Göttingen, 381-399.
Crafts and Craft Specialisation. Introduction, in: B. Midant-Reynes & Y. Tristant (eds.), Egypt at its Origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005, Leuven, 3-6.
The Interaction between and the Roles of Upper and Lower Egypt in the Formation of the Egyptian State. Another Review, in: B. Midant-Reynes & Y. Tristant (eds.), Egypt at its origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005, Leuven, 513-540
The Helwan Project, in: J. Smythe (ed.), Corroboree. 25 years of Cooperation between Egyptians and Australians in the Field of Egyptology, Cairo, n.p.
mit A. Leffers and E. Refaei, Origins – Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Egypt – Land and Lives of the Pharaohs Revealed, Rowville, 24-69.
Hatshepsut, in: W.H. McNeill et al. (eds.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, vol. 3, Great Barrington, MA, 895-896
Egypt - State Formation, in: W.H. McNeill et al. (eds.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, vol. 2, Great Barrington, MA, 625-629.
Australian Excavations at Helwan in Egypt, in: T. Murray (ed.) Archaeology from Australia, Melbourne, 325-341
On the Origins of Memphis - The New Excavations in the Early Dynastic Necropolis at Helwan, in: Hendrickx, S., Friedman, R.F. Cialowicz, K.M. & Chlodnicki, M. (eds.) Egypt at its Origins. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Leuven, 295-315.
Zum Grab und Totenkult in der Frühzeit, in: H. Guksch et alii (eds.) Grab und Totenkult. Fs Jan Assmann, Munich, 11-26
History or Ideology? New Reflections on the Narmer Palette and the Nature of Foreign Relations in Predynastic Egypt, in: E.T. Levy and E.C.M. van den Brink (eds.), Egypt and the Levant, London and New York, 499-513
Hidden Treasures in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo: The Collection of Objects from Zaki Saad’s Excavations at Helwan/Ezbet el-Walda, in: M. Eldamaty and M. Trad (eds.) Egyptian Museum Collections around the World: Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, volume 1, Cairo, 679-690
Lower Egypt Predynastic, in: P. Peregrine et al. (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Prehistory, New Haven, 150-160
Evidence for Interregional Contacts between Late Prehistoric Lower and Upper Egypt - a view from Buto, in: L. Krzyzaniak et alii (eds.), International Contacts in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, Poznan, 215-225
The Pre- and Early Dynastic Pottery of Tell el-Faracin (Buto), in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition, Tel Aviv, 11-22
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Culture Wars and the Clash of Civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt - An epistemological analysis, Keynote Artikel, Egypt & Levant 30, 17-58
mit D. Driaux, T. Holm, S. Marchand and A. Capirci, Preliminary report about new the investigation of a Late Period tomb with Aramaic inscription at el-Sheikh Fadl/Egypt, Egypt & Levant 28, 55-84
mit C. Knoblauch, Keramik vom B-Friedhof in Abydos/Umm el-Qaab, in: G. Dreyer et alii, Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 73, 23-35.
The University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project at el-Sheikh Fadl - Umm Raqaba: An Introductory Report of the 2014 and 2015 Field Seasons, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 103, available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0307513317741411
The Development of Social Complexity in Early Egypt. A View from the Perspective of the Settlements and Material Culture of the Nile Valley, Egypt & Levant 27, 335-380.
with S. Boulet, Preliminary Observations from the Ceramological Studies at el-Sheikh Fadl (Middle Egypt), Bulletin de Liaison de la Céramique Egyptienne 27, 33-50.
with E. Hart & M. Klaunzer, Wadi el-Sheikh: A New Archaeological Investigation of Ancient Egyptian Chert Mines, PLOS ONE https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0170840
Auch die letzte Scherbe - More thoughts on the 'Naqada Culture', MDAIK 70/71 (Gedenkschrift Werner Kaiser), 255-264.
with U. Hartung, M. Ownby and V. Müller, Imported Pottery from Abydos - a New Petrographic Perspective, Egypt & Levant 26, 295-333.
Introduction - The Relative Chronology of the Lower Nile Valley until the Early 3rd Millennium B.C.E., Archéo-Nil 21, 5-11.
Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic, Archéo-Nil 21, 15-16.
Neolithic, Archéo-Nil 21, 17-20.
with J. Smythe & A. Hood, Naqada IIIC-D - The End of the Naqada Culture? Archéo-Nil 21, 101- 110.
with M. Ownby, Levantine Imports and their imitations from Helwan, Egypt & Levant 21, 31-46
Final Report on the 11th Season of Excavations in the Early Dynastic Cemetery at Helwan/Ezbet el-Walda. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 83, 279-293.
The Helwan Cemetery, Archéo-Nil 18, 113-130
Final Report on the 10th Season of Excavations in the Early Dynastic Cemetery at Helwan/Ezbet el-Walda. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, 82, 171-188.
Zaki Saad – A Life for Archaeology, Archéo-Nil 17, 107-114
Final Report on the 9th Season of Excavations in the Early Dynastic Cemetery at Helwan/Ezbet el- Walda. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 81, 191-215.
with J. Smythe, Early Dynastic Pottery from Helwan: Establishing a Ceramic Corpus of the Naqada III Period, Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne 7, 123-144
Seven Years of Excavations at Helwan in Egypt, Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 15, 79-88.
Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season of Excavations at Helwan/Ezbet el-Walda by the Australian Centre for Egyptology at Macquarie University in Sydney, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 77, 83-90
The New Excavations in the Early Dynastic Necropolis at Helwan, Archéo-Nil 13, 17-27
with E.C.M. van den Brink, Four Jars with Incised Serekh-Signs from Helwan Recently Retrieved from the Cairo Museum, Göttinger Miszellen 187, 59-75.
Preliminary Report on the 2nd Excavations Season of the Australian Centre for Egyptology, Macquarie University Sydney at the Cemetery of Helwan/Ezbet el-Walda, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte 76, 23-30.
Excavations at Helwan, Egyptian Archaeology 17, 38-40
Excavations in the Early Dynastic Cemetery at Helwan: A Preliminary Report of the 1998/99 and 1999/2000 seasons, Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 11, 83-92.
Frühe Keramik, in: G. Dreyer et alii, Umm el-Qaab - Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 54, 100-115.
Excavations at Helwan: New Insights into Egyptian Early Dynastic Stone Masonry, Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 9, 65-72.
The Pottery from Umm Balad, in G. Castel et al., Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 98, pp. 67-72
Re-assessment of a Cylinder Seal from Helwan, Göttinger Miszellen 168, 49-56
Socio-Economic Aspects of Early Pottery Production in the Nile Delta, Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 8, 81-89.
Archäologie und Ethnographie. Eine Fallstudie der prädynastischen und frühzeitlichen Töpfereiproduktion von Tell el-Faracin – Buto, Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne IV, 133-140
Vorbericht zur Keramikbearbeitung der spätvorgeschichtlichen und frühzeitlichen Friedhöfe U und B, in G. Dreyer et al., Umm el-Qaab, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 52, 41-47, 49-56
Vorbericht zur Fortführung der archäologischen Feldarbeiten in Tell el-Faracin – Buto: Die Keramik, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 52, 100-114
The State of Research on Late Predynastic Egypt: New Evidence for the Development of the Pharaonic State?, Göttinger Miszellen 147, 79-92
Abydos-Kom es-Sultan (Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition), Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe International d'Etude de la Céramique Egyptienne 17, 23-24.
Problems and Priorities in the Study of Pre- and Early Dynastic Pottery, Cahiers de la Céramique Egyptienne III, 7-15.
Tell el-Faracin – Buto, Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe International d'Etude de la Céramique Egyptienne 14, 1-4
Die Keramik, in Th. von der Way, “Tell el-Faracin - Buto, 4.Bericht”, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo 45, 289-300.
Die Königsnekropole in Abydos - Zur Entstehung des pharaonischen Königtums; Antike Welt 1/2016, 17-22
Helwan - Einblicke in eine Nekropole der Stadt Memphis, Antike Welt 1/2016, 27-34.
Helwan - Eine Nekropole der Stadt Memphis https://egyptology.univie.ac.at/forschung/projekte/laufende-projekte/helwan-projekt/
The University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project https://egyptology.univie.ac.at/forschung/projekte/laufende-projekte/projekt-middle-egypt
with C. Knoblauch, Royal Burial and the Chronology of Egypt at the Birth of the Egyptian State: The Pottery from Abydos Cemetery B, https://egyptology.univie.ac.at/forschung/projekte/laufende-projekte/projekt-abydos-b-cemetery-pottery/
Egypt: The Early Dynastic Cemetery at Helwan, The Past Uncovered, The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Magazine, vol. 1, 2-7
A Cylinder Seal from Helwan, Archaeological Diggings 4, 27-28
Book review of J. Crowfoot-Payne, Catalogue of the Egyptian Predynastic Collection in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (Oxford 1993), Bibliotheca Orientalis 52, 5/6, 631-635
Book review of R. Gempeler, Elephantine X. Die Keramik römischer bis früharabischer Zeit, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo, vol. 43 (Mainz 1993), Bibliotheca Orientalis 53, 5/6, 705-710