Dr. Mathilde Minotti, maîtrise master


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Ägyptologie

Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Wien

Mail: mathilde.minotti@univie.ac.at

Telefon: +43-1-4277-40914

Personal website: https://mathildeminotti.wixsite.com/archeologue



Akademischer Lebenslauf

Since 2022

Research associate at the Egyptological Institute of the University of Vienna (project Visualizing an Ancient Egyptian Queen - The Tomb of the 1st Dynasty Queen Meret-Neith at Abydos)

Since 2015

(Researched associate with team Prehistoire Récente du Bassin Mediterranéen - UMR5608 -TRACES (University of Jean Jaures, Toulouse)
link traces.univ-tlse2.fr/accueil/equipes-et-ateliers/prbm-prehistoire-recente-du-bassin-mediterraneen/mathilde-minotti


Phd in Archaeology - École des Hautes Études en sciences Sociales (Toulouse, France)


MA of Prehistoric Arts and Cultures - École des Hautes Études en sciences Sociales and University of Jean Jaures (Toulouse, France)


MA of Archaeomatic – University  of Francois Rabelais (Tours, France)


MA of Archaeology – University of Lumière-Lyon2 (Lyon, France)


  • Predynastic and Protodynastic Egypt
  • Small Finds and Ornaments (Prehistoric, Pre- and Proto-Dynastic Egypt)
  • Archaeology and funerary practices
  • Crafts and daily life in the Predynastic settlement
  • Development of mud-brick architecture (Predynastic Egypt)


Since 2017

Excavation and Study of the small finds in Tell el-Iswid (Sarqqiyah), French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and French Institute in Cairo – IFAO) Directed by Dr. N. Buchez


Excavation and Study of the small finds in Tell el-Iswid (Sarqqiyah), French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and French Institute in Cairo – IFAO) Directed by Dr. B. Midant-Reynes

Since 2022

Upcoming fieldwork in Abydos, Germain institute in Cairo - DAI and University of Vienne, Directed by Pr. C. Köhler


Survey, Excavations, study of the small finds in Douch –( Kharga Oasis), French Institute in Cairo – IFAO, Directed by M. Wuttmann

2010 and 2012

Study of ornament from Adaima in Moa’la Storage in Abu Said (Upper Egypt), French Institute in Cairo – IFAO, Personal mission.